Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Engelbart Legacy

Engelbart Legacy Foundation In Brief

Our goal is to help bring Doug Engelbart's vision into action for the benefit of humanity.

Improving Collective Intelligence to solve the world’s urgent, complex problems.

In realizing our vision, we will build connections between, and understanding of:
• the amazing technological potential already unleashed;
• the communities of people engaged in global problem solving;
• and the challenges of those working locally to improve the way we live and work every day.

Our first event will be a global impact project for demonstrating examples of collective innovation that are founded on the philosophy and spirit of the “Mother of all Demo’s,” which established Engelbart’s place in history 40 years ago.

This project has three facets:

(1)The aligning artifact

A timeline/mural that shows how technology and culture have evolved over the past 80 years This 4-by-24-foot art piece is designed to ignite future-oriented dialogue, in the context of Engelbart’s ideas. The map gives us direction and historical context for discussion.

The annotated handbook for the mural guides museums and groups in “how to use the mural” to educate themselves in the history of High-Impact Innovation, and to trigger collectively intelligent activities. It highlights examples of best practices using technologies for global problem-solving and introduces us to the groups that have had the most innovative approaches to problem-solving. It inspires us to take steps to leverage ourselves, our resources, and our technology to benefit humanity and the environment. It helps us see the patterns from the past in cross-fertilization between groups of people.
This begs the question: how can we get relevant tools and technology into the hands of the people who can use it to improve their capability to solve the daunting problems we face?

(2) The global competition
The inaugural competition— jointly conducted by two major world class institutions and overseen as a project under the Engelbart Legacy Project within the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence —will seek examples of collective intelligence for the benefit of humanity. The competition serves as a catalyst for global innovation process-improvement by connecting the world’s best institutions of learning with people who are solving problems, and providing venues (museums and libraries) to recognize and highlight the best examples of these each year. All submissions will be recorded by the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence in The Collective Intelligence Handbook in developing a classification and taxonomy for collective intelligence.
The Silicon Valley is reaching out to the world’s best museums and top universities to come together to kick-start the competition on the 40th anniversary of the “Mother of All Demos.” As attendees and online viewers have their imaginations ignited by demonstrations of collective intelligence, they will experience the kind of hope and excitement that opens more minds to new possibilities.
Technology must come alive, not as gadgets or intimidating black boxes, but as empowering tools, showing the best in human imagination and idealism. How can people around the world see that they can play a role?

(3) Global Community Building Events -
Don’t just tell, tell stories, do stuff that builds community around Collective Intelligence
Example: Asian Digital Storytelling Congress 2009 Working with the Asian Digital Story-Telling Congress mid-2009 in Singapore, we will engage people in relating their life stories, and especially their stories of community-building and problem solving in addressing common challenges The Collective Intelligence handbook and mural will be used to enable them to “see” and understand (in simple terms) Engelbart’s foundational ideas. Qualified competitors from the Global Competition will be invited to inspire with their beneficial concepts of collective intelligence, to enlist storytellers, developers, animators, artists, producers and writers who can help the abstract notions come alive to a wider audience in museums and educational institutions around the world.
Example: MOAD DEMO Hackathon Developers, invited from the Americas , Europe, Asia, can gather, and team up (with developer-translators as required) to design the “Children of the Mother of All Demos” –taking the stories crafting the proto-type museum exhibit demos which can inspire themselves, each other, and future generations with our power to come together in service of our common humanity.
What Does This Mean to Me?
You can experience the power of collective intelligence in your work and in your life. If you are moved by the potential of technology to serve humanity, you share our vision. Doug Engelbart has been describing it and working toward its realization for 40 years: Using technology to express and enhance the collective intelligence of groups of humans.
The Engelbart Legacy Foundation is creating and facilitating projects that manifest these simple and powerful ideas. Your participation will help you find out what is going on in this exciting realm.

How Can I Get Involved?
• Visit our website:
• Sign up for notices of upcoming October, November events at The Tech, SAP and Google
• Donate time (email or Donate money (click on this link)
o At the donation site, IMPORTANT: Please select the specific project you are donating to: NextNowCollaboratory/Engelbart
• Spread the word!